TRE Omaha
Heather Hruby is a therapist in Omaha, Nebraska. Her website, TRE Omaha, was specifically created to present her skills in TRE(Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) and to accompany her main website.
Project Outline
We wanted to create a website that puts forth an overall calming vibe. It is important that potential patients feel safe and secure while looking for a new therapist. We also wanted to highlight the Call To Action sections and direct the user to learn more about TRE, view what types of sessions Heather offers, and to contact Heather to learn more or schedule a session.
To accomplish this we went with a simple white and gray design with subtle accent colors of ocean blues and greens. We used the accent colors to highlight the important Call To Action buttons and important sections of the site. The What Is TRE page is designed differently to capture the attention of the viewer since TRE is a lesser known psychological technique.